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Baby boomers that admit to Intergenerational unfairness and inequality

The vast majority of the baby boomer generation refute, vehemently disagree or are in complete denial / oblivion about the intergenerational bias and inequality inherent in our economic and politicial systems.

However, there are some notable baby boomers that have the integrity, education, and sense of fairness to admit the extent of the problem, and we applaud those individuals here - abeit they are in a minority amongst their cohort.

Quotes from eminent baby boomers

The charge is that the boomers have been guilty of a monumental failure to protect the interests of future generations”, Lord David Willets, Former MP, Cabinet Minister, and author of “The Pinch”

I am part of the most selfish generation in history and we should be ashamed of our legacy.….It strikes me as more of a wonder the streets aren't full of demonstrators demanding compulsory euthanasia. Jeremy Paxman, former BBC Newsnight and University Challenge presenter

"My generation is sucking young people dry. Why are politicians too scared to admit it?", Polly Toynbee, Guardian journalist and author

“If you’re a woman, you still earn less than a man. If you suffer from mental health problems, there’s too often not enough help to hand. If you’re young, you’ll find it harder than ever before to own your own home., Theresa May, former British Prime Minister

“You should look to my generation, you know, I’m a baby boomer, I was born in 1955, and we have had it ridiculously good.”, and he continued, “I am part of an under-taxed generation so I’m afraid we are going to have to look at the more senior members of society.” Sir Edward Troup, a former Treasury tax adviser and executive chair of HMRC

“The young people taking to the streets are right: their future is being stolen. The economy is an environmental pyramid scheme; dumping liabilities on the young and the unborn. Its current growth depends on intergenerational theft.”George Monbiot, Writer & Environmentalist

“But the truth is, if we are going to correct any of the generational and geographic unfairness that afflicts this country, we are going to have to look at taxing wealth, not just income. Now, nobody running any of the big parties, wants to talk about this.”, Andrew Marr, former BBC political commentator, and now LBC radio presenter

"The pension triple-lock is an insult to the UK’s young people", Polly Toynbee, Guardian journalist and author

"The private finance initiatives (PFI) has been a “fraud on the people”, Sir Howard Davies, former Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)

"The Intergenerational Theft: How We Are Failing Youth" Professor Scott Galloway, Clinical professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business. He is also an author, podcast host, and entrepreneur.

“We won’t be able to fix the problem if we don’t recognise it. Our young do. They perceive the absence of intergenerational justice, and they are right to be angry.” Professor Joseph Stiglitz, economist, a public policy analyst, political activist, and a Professor at Columbia University. (OK, technically not quite a baby boomer as he was born in 1943, but his impeccable credentials make his views carry considerable authority)

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