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INTERGENERATIONAL THEFT is supported by overwheming evidence from countless news article from the

UK and around the world all pointing to one inescapable reality: A huge intergenerational injustice is occuring.


23/03/25 The £88,000 household income you need to afford two children

18/03/25 Give our workshy young people a break: We’re blaming Gen Z for worklessness when the real problem is an economy that offers them nothing but debt and despair

18/03/25 I used to moan about millennials’ economic woes but Gen Z has it so much harder

08/03/25 The ‘uncomfortable truth’ behind wealth-hoarding boomers: Pensioners have benefited from more state handouts than Gen Z ever will

06/03/25 Crap jobs, fewer homes, less money, toxic politics. And peak happiness eludes the young: who knew?

03/03/25 Mental health crisis ‘means youth is no longer one of happiest times of life’

15/02/25 Why having a spare room is the next battle in the wars between generations

13/02/25 The uncomfortable truth behind baby boomers and Britain’s housing crisis

07/02/25 There’s no such thing as an ‘affordable’ home any more

25/01/25 Boomers are 33 times as wealthy as Gen Z – and they’re getting richer

11/01/25 Share of 25- to 34-year-olds living with parents up by over a third since the mid 2000s

11/01/25 More people in late 20s still living with parents

10/01/25 Spiralling housing costs hit jobs as employers struggle to find staff


31/12/24 House prices have left young people with nothing to work for

09/12/24 House prices have risen twice as fast as incomes since start of this century

09/12/24 London house prices reach ‘unaffordable’ levels – even for top earners

05/12/24 Britain’s state pension Ponzi scheme faces a catastrophic collapse

04/12/24 Share with parents or rent forever: ‘I have put life on hold while trying to buy a house’

25/11/24 What was it like buying your first home in 1974 vs 2024: How much harder is it to get on the ladder now?

25/11/24 How service charges in flats spiralled out of control

20/11/24 Vindication – London Mayor Sadiq Khan admits housing crisis is “creating intergenerational inequality like we’ve never seen before”

18/11/24 The "Fools" Golden Generation: How Boomers orchestrated the greatest generational theft in history

14/11/24 Sadiq Khan warns lack of affordable homes causing ‘profound and devastating’ effect on Londoners

13/11/24 Baby boomers bankrupted Britain – and young people are paying the price

11/11/24 House price fall could boost London economy - Khan

03/11/24 'I can't afford a child on £53,000 salary' - why fertility rate is falling

28/10/24 'The market is broken': Just 5% of private rentals in London are affordable to low-income earners

28/10/24 Fertility rate in England and Wales drops to new low

26/10/24 Rachel Reeves wants first-time buyers in London to pay £6,000 more. It's a punishment for the young

16/10/24 Budget 2024: Intergenerational unfairness, wealth inequality and low growth are interlinked

07/10/24 Gen Z pay double in mortgage payments compared to older generations

07/10/24 The generation of homebuyers who really had it worst

26/09/24 The boomer generation hit the economic jackpot. Young people will inherit their massive debts

17/09/24 Gold-plated public sector pension shortfall costs taxpayers £208bn

30/08/24 Part 2: Scott Galloway’s Viral TED Talk on How the Old Are Stealing from the Young


24/07/24 For most young Australians, the dream of owning a home has moved into the realm of fantasy

19/07/24 Expert Blames The Greed Of Older Generations For Why Millennials & Gen Z Are Failing — '30-Year-Olds Are No Longer Doing As Well As Their Parents'

18/07/24 How ‘Ponzi scheme’ public sector pensions threaten to bankrupt Britain

01/07/24 Revealed: Treasury minister admitted tax burden on young people is a 'scandal'

19/06/24 The War On The Young with professor Scott Galloway

11/06/24 General Election: Intergenerational inequality is the elephant in the room, not debates about tax

31/05/24 Rishi Sunak's barmy army idea is last straw for the no-hope youth of today

26/05/24 The year the state pension will start to collapse – whoever wins the election

21/05/24 ‘I’m screwed’: young adults forced by EU housing crisis to live with parents

16/05/24 Why ‘Broken Britain’ is a direct consequence of intergenerational inequality

09/05/24 The Great Intergenerational Theft How Older Generations Are Stealing From the Young

04/05/24 How stamp duty is strangling Britain – and lining the pockets of the elite

02/05/24 How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED

28/04/24 The apocalypse of baby boomers: How retiring seniors will cripple the economy

23/04/24 Justin Welby: Archbishop says 'moral responsibility' to change housing crisis 'blighting lives" of millions

23/04/24 Young people have every reason to be enraged, says 'Algebra of Wealth' author

22/04/24 First-time buyers face toughest test for 70 years

12/04/24 Intergenerational theft and the cramming of prosperity into seniors' pockets is creating a flawed economy that is weaponzied by rich people and broken for young people

10/04/24 Outrage erupts at Labour pensioner bombshell over calls to hit ‘codgers’ with tax hikes

10/04/24 Why baby boomers are the luckiest generation in history

05/04/24 The ‘Great Wealth Transfer’ Is a Delusion

29/03/24 Public sector pensions bill hits record £2.6 trillion

25/03/24 UK’s housing stock ‘offers the worst value for money of any advanced economy’

25/03/24 Falling birth rates are a concern but is it any wonder why we’re becoming a nation too afraid to reproduce?

24/03/24 I knew the facts about millennials but I wasn’t ready to admit the life my parents had would never be mine

16/03/24 Labour is prioritising wealthy pensioners over workers

08/03/24 Real national debt hits £180,534 per person

27/02/24 Will the government address intergenerational inequality in this years budget?

26/02/24 Problems of being young now branded mental health issues critics claim

25/02/24 The apocalypse of baby boomers: How retiring seniors will cripple the economy

23/02/24 Govt urged to consider shifting public sector pension schemes to funded model

22/02/24 Boomers Admit Younger People Have It Harder

20/02/24 This is how much you'll spend on rent before buying your first home

11/02/24 Trapped and miserable: The reality of divorcing in Britain’s grim housing market

10/02/24 Young people shut out of housing market could turn to authoritarianism


29/12/23 The 'wealth transfer' from boomers won't save Gen X and millennials

06/12/23 Could Harold Macmillan solve today’s housing crisis?

02/12/23 UK millennials are worse off than previous generations

29/11/23 Autumn statement 2023: Where is the intergenerational fairness?

24/11/23 The data is in: a generational shift of wealth is under way in Australia

09/11/23 Housebuilders cut new home plans to lowest since 2020 lockdown as they try to prop up prices

01/11/23 An intergenerational audit for the UK: 2023

29/10/23 From right to buy to housing crisis: how home ownership killed Britain’s property dream

17/10/23 Britain’s Housing Crisis: What Went Wrong? review – the most nakedly furious documentary of the year

12/10/23 Is intergenerational inequality holding back Britain?

05/10/23 England worst place in developed world to find housing, says report

02/10/23 Is Intergenerational Inequality Holding Back Britain?

22/09/23 Broken Britain and the return of “private affluence and public squalor

18/09/23 Intergenerational inequality and solidarity

15/09/23 Families pay three times more on bills than 30 years ago

24/08/23 Baby boomers ‘are not taxed enough’: Call for reforms to end growing generational wealth divide

09/07/23 INTERGENERATIONAL THEFT: The £15 TRILLION UK Government Policy Bias That Makes Baby Boomers Undeservingly Rich By Stealing From Generation X, Gen Y (Millennials), Gen Z (Zoomers) & Future Generations

24/06/23 Why one generation is about to get poorer – while another gets richer

22/05/23 A lost generation are stuck living with their parents – and Tory talk of housebuilding won’t help them

30/04/23 The Observer view on generational inequality: wealth redistribution requires political nerve

28/03/23 WASPI Campaign's legal action is morally wrong

28/02/23 The fight for state pension compensation has become a hopeless and unhealthy obsession

14/02/23 My generation is sucking Britain’s young people dry. Why are politicians too scared to admit it?


​30/06/22 Policies are to blame for intergenerational injustice

16/06/22 Young Generations Are Now Poorer Than Their Parents And It's Changing Our Economies

15/05/22 How the Boomers Robbed the Young of All Hope

​26/03/22 Baby boomers are the new climate change villains, study claims

25/03/22 Boomers responsible for nearly one third of greenhouse gas emissions, study suggests

29/02/22 How Britain became a gerontocracy

10/02/22 Older Generations Can’t Deal With the Fact They’ve Had It Easy


31/10/21 From a 'class divide' to 'intergenerational theft', Australia's real estate frenzy leaves many behind

14/09/21 The housing theory of everything

05/08/21 Young people (without rich parents) will end up paying for a rise in national insurance to fund social care

30/07/21 Housing policy failure sets up intergenerational theft

01/07/21 The pensions triple-lock is an insult to young people

24/07/21 Wren's Week: Liberal Party are intergenerational thieves

30/06/21 Britain's great pensions divide revealed

23/06/21 A windfall for the old: The injustice of triple lock pensions

24/02/21 The demographic imbalance keeping young voters apathetic


Winter 2020 Our $23 Trillion National Debt: An Inter-generational Injustice

01/10/20 An intergenerational audit for the UK

15/03/20 The Theft of a Decade: How the Baby Boomers Stole the Millennials’ Economic Future – Book Review

​12/01/20 The gap between young and old has turned Britain into a dysfunctional family


17/11/19 ‘OK boomer’ resentment will grow over intergenerational wealth transfer

03/10/19 The Theft of a Decade: Joseph Sternberg’s book on intergenerational fairness

25/04/19 Tackling intergenerational unfairness

25/04/19 'End pensioner benefits to help young', peers say

18/03/19 Intergenerational Theft


07/03/18 UK pension liabilities reach £7.6trn; almost £5trn unfunded

29/03/18 Australia's housing affordability crisis 'intergenerational theft': John Hewson

05/03/18 Baby boomers are going to have to pay more tax on their wealth to fund health and social care



07/11/16 Climate Change Is Intergenerational Theft. That’s Why My Son Is Part of This Story

16/04/16 Intergenerationla injustice

16/03/16 Opinion: Why young people are angry about generational injustice

01/02/16 The Rising Tide of Gerontocracy: How Young People Will Be Increasingly Outvoted


26/02/15 The Granny State: Britain should stop subsidising the old and rich at the expense of the young and poor

15/02/15 Here's a real plan to stop intergenerational theft

​XX/XX/15 UK Parliament Select Committee on Work and Pensions report “The Intergenerational Contract Under Strain”


​14/05/14 Hard Evidence: do governments favour the old and would it be different if young people voted?


24/10/13 How the Baby Boomers Stole Trillions of Dollars from the Millennials

05/05/13 Ageing Britain steams towards £5 trillion pension iceberg

15/02/13 Generational Theft Needs to Be Arrested




13/10/11 I am part of the most selfish generation in history and we should be ashamed of our legacy

15/03/11 Baby boomers get more in benefits then they pay in taxes


05/07/10 Baby boomers: powerful and selfish


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